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Dr. Matta Machado, a traditional ophthalmologist in Brasília,  is a pioneer in the adaptation of Contact Lenses for patients with Presbyopia. Such lenses allow reading without glasses, with the natural posture of a 20 years-old person.

He also offers the following services:

  • Adaptation of special Contact Lenses for the treatment of complications of Refractive ;Surgeries (surgery for myopia, hyperopia, etc);
  • Adaptation of Contact Lenses for daily and continuous use for Refraction Errors;
  • Adaptation of Contact Lenses for Keratoconus;
  • Exams for diagnose and treatment of several ocular illnesses;
  • Ocular infections and inflammations;
  • Strabismus;
  • Glaucoma – prophylaxis and treatment;Illnesses of the Cornea, Úvea, and Retina;
  • Cataract;
  • Evaluation and follow up of systemic illnesses with ocular involvement such as neurological, dermatological, rheumatic, metabolic, endocrinous, nutritional, hematological, cardiovascular, infectious, toxic, and degenerative illnesses, among others;
  • Provides Ophthalmic-pediatric services, including contact lens for children;
  • Provides Ophthalmic-geriatric services;
  • Provides treatment for patients with Subnormal Vision.

We would also like to emphasize that in his practice, Dr. Matta Machado has always focused on having a friendly and human doctor-patient relation, in which it is considered the background, health, sickness and life of each person, in a conversation among people who like people, so that the technical aspects can be properly addressed.

He pleasantly offers his services.

Reach Your Ophthalmologist



(61) 99555-4787 .:. (61) 3577-4747

Brasília - DF

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