The More That Is Taken Away

The More That Is Taken Away is a meditation on mass violence and what it means to inherit such histories. A nine-year solo attempt to come to terms with historical evil, it takes place at a mass-grave-like excavation behind my house in rural upstate New York. It is an evanescent memorial and a performance, a cycle to catastrophe and back. Begun in late 2011, work at the site largely concluded in 2019. Post-production continues.

The work's traces are a complete video record and a suite of large-format black-and-white photographs. These materials are edited and exhibited in a variety of ways, from a feature-length movie to a large installation with the photographs, projections, multi-channel video, and perhaps an artist book.

The project is supported by a 2019 Guggenheim Fellowship, plus 2019 Individual Artist and 2012 Film Finishing Funds grants from the New York State Council on the Arts. 

Project Statement

Photographs of the Site

Photographs of Performances at the Site 

Short introductory video
