Body height



Blood type
Still have to check that

Your zodiac sign
Sagittarius (zodiac sign and ascendant)

You as an animal
A buddy of mine answered when I asked him about me, with baby lion. I think thats a choice can support  :)

Attitude in life 
It will all work out in the end, everything has its rightfulness although no one really has a plan.

Most stressful situation
my driving test. 

What do you do when you have some time off?
I discovered hiking alone  and find it a great form of relaxation and regeneration. You are in nature, move and can fully listen to your own needs and thoughts and really switch off, especially if you leave your smartphone at home. You have for this time, completely different problems than in normal life, such as the weight of the backpack, the aching feet, the question of when the next opportunity to refill the water supplies comes and whether the water after dinner is still enough for the next morning, or will you find a good place to camp and that you have to make less break if you still want to make food in the light and so on. Very refreshing. 

Why photography/film
When I was little my father always had to go with me to film trains. Later I filmed and photographed a lot of my Märklin model railroad and other objects. In school I was the one person who always filmed all events and theater performances and sold the DVD's to the parents. So ever since I can remember creating images has been my passion. How such a passion arises I have no idea. But this is a very exciting topic with which I still want to deal intensively. 

I also love it simply to interact with other people, and to capture situations in pictures that speak to me and touch me. I also think it's great that through photography you get to deal with all kinds of people and get an insight into areas that are not normally accessible to you. The world is so exciting and there is so much to discover! <3

Favorite color
I discovered that I really like to wear pink stuff like hoodies and bathing shorts. So I guess its Pink at the moment 

Cinema or stream?
Definitely always cinema (but it has to be screened in the original language). It's just a completely different experience, just the fact that you are not distracted by your phone in the cinema, you can be immersed so much deeper by the movie. I have a projector with a nice big screen since corona but its not the same.  Although it is much more comfortable.

Netflix, Prime, HBO, Warner, Apple, Disney+, ARD/ZDF Mediathek

Top 3 Movies
Also difficult, there are just too many good movies.The ones I really liked were Shawshank Redemption, The Tree of life, Seven Samurai, Children of men, In the mood for love and Bladerunner 2049. But there are so many more.

Are you musical?
As I went to a Steinerschool I played accordion from the 3rd grade until the end of school and was in the school choir for many years. Recently I started to teach myself the guitar. However, I would not describe myself as particularly musical.

What worries you most about the future?
Climate change and insufficient environmental protection. This has been the biggest subject in my life for years. And also the most complex and difficult. Especially in my profession and as someone who loves to travel. Almost every day I have a conflict of conscience and the question, is it worth it, given the consequences. In the end, I usually decide not for the environment but for my own well-being. Beautifully egoistic. 

The big question: Will mankind manage to pull out of the crisis in time or are we digging our own grave? The positive: The planet is fine without us and will sooner or later regenerate when we are gone.