Inspirierende Websites mit dem neuen Fabric-Theme von Format

Our newest theme, Fabric, is perfectly suited to showing off fashion photography.


True to its name, our latest website theme design, titled Fabric, is a prefect fit for fashion shoots. With a layout that puts your imagery front and center, Fabric is ideal for any creator who wants to go bold and minimal with their Online-Portfolio-Website. A sidebar menu allows for easy navigation of different pages, but neatly disappears when it’s not needed.

Fabric also includes a particularly creative feature you won’t see elsewhere: images stack up on each other as viewers browse through a gallery, making for a unique, interactive viewing experience that sets these websites apart.

Check out Fabric yourself, and scroll down to see some of our favorites websites that have been created using this theme so far.

For even more portfolio inspiration, see our huge roundup of the best online portfolios built using Format.


Yeon You

Yeon You is a Modestylist and creative director based in London. You organizes their portfolio by project, with a large text sidebar menu listing styled shoots for magazines and brands. This easy-to-browse menu allows You to seamlessly integrate their CV into portfolio navigation.


Aundre Larrow

Portrait photographer Aundre Larrow’s website gets a fresh look with the Fabric theme and a set of simple galleries. Larrow, who is based in New York, pairs his photography with a pale pink background that helps his images stand out.


Zarina Humayun

Based in Los Angeles by way of the UK, Zarina Humayun is a photographer and stylist who’s worked with talent including Troye Sivan, Timothée Chalamet, and Zoey Deutch, as well as clients including and Vans. Humayun keeps her website carefully organized with a range of different galleries, ensuring that her work is easy to discover.


Megan Jordan

Photographer Megan Jordan keeps her portfolio pared down with a single gallery of images showcasing her best work. Jordan, who is based in London, has worked with Time Magazine, L’Officiel, and the Royal Academy, among other clients. A beige background and timeless serif font give a refined feel to her photography website.

More of the best websites created with recent Format themes:
5 Websites, die mit dem neuen Kiln Theme von Format erstellt wurden
5 Websites, die mit dem neuen Spruce-Theme von Format erstellt wurden
5 Websites, die mit dem Obsidian-Theme von Format erstellt wurden


  • Ikone schwarz

    Wir bei Format sind eine leidenschaftliche Gruppe von Menschen an der Schnittstelle zwischen Technologie und Kreativität, die ein Ziel verbindet: Fotografen zum Erfolg zu verhelfen. Unser Team hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, Fotografen und kreativen Künstlern die Werkzeuge und Ressourcen zur Verfügung zu stellen, die sie brauchen, um ihre Arbeit zu teilen und ihr Geschäft auszubauen.

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Entfalte dein kreatives Potenzial

Verbessere deine kreative Arbeit mit unserem exklusiven Starterpaket. Erhalte unschätzbare Einblicke, Werkzeuge und Strategien, um dein Handwerk zu verfeinern, deine Fähigkeiten zu verbessern, ein beeindruckendes Online-Portfolio zu erstellen und deine berufliche Entwicklung voranzutreiben.

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