Zacharie Rabehi, photographe de Format, remporte le prix du photographe de l'année 2016 décerné par EyeEm

The powerful photojournalism of Paris-born, India-based Zacharie Rabehi wins international prize.


After judging 270,000 photos from 38,000 photographers in 150 countries, EyeEm announced that photojournalist Zacharie Rabehi won the honor of 2016’s Photographer of the Year award.

Originally from Paris, Rabehi moved to India in 2008 to pursue a freelance photography career that sheds light on the region’s social issues including the Kashmir occupation, the drought in Maharashtra, acid attack survivors and the Nepal earthquake aftermath.

He also founded the Girls Photo Collective with his partner in 2015 to teach young girls from less privileged economic backgrounds how to express themselves with photography.

Vérifier Rabehi’s Format portfolio here and keep scrolling to see some of his recent work, as well as EyeEm’s video documentary profile.

EyeEm is a free app that lets you sell your photos and get published worldwide. You can find Format and EyeEm’s free 50+ page PDF guide to marketing your portfolio website here.


Click here to watch Format’s documentary series InFrame and discover more creative journeys of photographers, designers and artists.

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