Mise à jour hebdomadaire : l'art des stations-service

The best links of the week, from a new photo book on gas stations to the morning routines of famous artists.


Notre mise à jour hebdomadaire vous présente nos liens préférés de la semaine écoulée : des nouvelles sur l'art et le design que vous avez peut-être manquées, des reportages à ne pas manquer, ainsi que les meilleurs concours et appels à participation.

A look at some of the weirdest and best-designed gas stations from around the world

A new photo book from Gestalten (with an intro by Jay Leno?) offers a look at some unexpectedly interesting, historic gas stations from around the world. Atlas Obscura rounds up some of the best images from the book, titled It’s A Gas.

“The most famous lesbian photographer you’ve never heard of”

The New York Times reviews a new exhibition of photography from Donna Gottschalk, a collection of personal works as well as documentation of the radical lesbian scene in 1960s and 70s New York. The photos are seriously stunning and worth a close look:

“Ms. Gottschalk’s subjects are friends, family, partners: loved ones, all. I ask her what compelled her to pick up her camera at particular moments. She talks about being drawn to the beauty, bravery and mystery she saw in those around her, especially in an era when coming out came at great cost.”

How 10 famous artists began their days

Artsy details the sometimes surprising morning routines of 10 artists in this charming article, featuring such gems as this description of Louise Bourgeouis’ day-to-day:

“Louise Bourgeois was ‘very habitual,’ according to her longtime assistant Jerry Gorovoy. Each morning, the artist woke up and drank a cup of tea ‘with some jelly straight out of the jar,’ Gorovoy recalled. Afterwards, he explained, ‘she’d have a bit of a sugar high and be ready to roll.’”

Call for entry: Be part of a show at London Photomonth

Shutter Hub is seeking photography for their upcoming October exhibition at London Photomonth. Taking place at London’s Old Truman Brewery, the event will feature over 200 works. Entry is open to everyone, and selected photographers will have their works printed, meaning no need to print, frame, or mail over your submissions. Entry is open until September 10.

Call for entry: Open Walls Arles

Journal britannique de la photographie is inviting photographers to submit work to their upcoming exhibition in Arles, France, with the theme “Home and Away”. Entry is open until September 13:

“We are opening up the walls of Galerie Huit Arles, to exhibit 50 shortlisted images for a month in July 2019 alongside Les Rencontres d’Arles. Three finalists will also be invited to join us in Arles, where one overall winner will then be chosen by a group of key industry leaders at the show’s opening event.”

Image de couverture de It’s A Gas, via Atlas Obscura. Photography by Tomáš Souček.

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