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Trotter 1880

(24)(B1, B4)

List of those commemorated:

Robert Trotter d. 01/06/1880

William Lyall d. 30/03/1886

Jane R Trotter or Lyall d. 24/01/1900

Council Records include: Peter Trotter (B1)


To the memory of 

Robert Trotter 

who died 1st June 1880 

aged 25 years.

'Mark the perfect man and 

behold the upright. For the end 

of that man is peace.' pms XXXVII..37

William Lyall 

who died 30th March 1886 

aged 73 years.

Jane Trotter 

widow of the above William Lyall 

who died at Cockburnspath 

January 24th 1900 aged 74 years.

Erected by William Lyall