Un robot intelligent étudie votre pensée créative

Format introduces Dr. Luova Dahl, the world’s premier expert on creativity, and she's available 24/7 to assess your creative thinking.


Au Format, we believe in the power of the creative mind. We know that few can do what you do. That’s why we enlisted Dr. Luova Dahl, the world’s premier expert on creativity, to delve into the deepest recesses of your brain. Do sparks fly out of your basal ganglia, ideas connect in your pre-frontal cortex or juices flow from your amygdala? You only have to answer a few questions to find out.

Using her patent pending Creativity Diagnosis System™, Dr. Dahl has identified 16 creative personas including The Trucker, The Alien et The Electric Witch. Okay, so Dr. Dahl might be a chatbot and not a real person, but these personas are based on real scientific research by cognitive neuroscientist Arne Dietrich. The questions asked by the chatbot were drawn from verified studies like the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking and Professor Sarnoff Mednick’s Remote Associates Test—but with a Dr. Dahl twist. What can we say? We got a little creative about creativity.

Click ici to get your diagnosis and tag @useformat to show us your results.

Want to see more scientific proof that creative people are better than the rest? Watch Format’s new videos about photographers, illustrators, artists, designers and fashion professionals below.

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    Chez Format, nous sommes un groupe d'individus passionnés à l'intersection de la technologie et de la créativité, unis par un objectif : aider les photographes à réussir. Notre équipe se consacre à fournir aux photographes et aux artistes créatifs les outils et les ressources dont ils ont besoin pour partager leur travail et développer leur entreprise.

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