9 Tipps zum Verfassen der "Über mich"-Seite deiner Portfolio-Biografie

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Crafting an engaging and informative biography for your portfolio’s ‘About Me’ page is an essential step in showcasing your artistic skills and experiences. This section of your website allows you to introduce yourself, highlight your expertise, and–when appropriate for your brand and clientele–connect with potential clients or employers on a more personal level.

Writing about yourself might not come naturally to you–and you’re far from alone in that. We’ve put together these tips to ease you into the process and help you create a compelling narrative that captures your unique story and professional journey. If you’re more of a video person, you can also watch our condensed About Me page tips here

1. Stell dich vor

Begin your biography by introducing yourself, just like how you’d open a conversation with a new friend. Share your name, your area of expertise, and a brief overview of who you are and what you do. This opening paragraph should grab the reader’s attention and give them a sense of your personality and background. Location can be very important for some clients and galleries. There’s no need to include your full address, but including the city where you’re based makes it easier for potential clients to know whether you fit their needs. 

2. Highlight your expertise and achievements

Select the experiences and accomplishments you’re most proud of or excited about to highlight in your biography. Remember to keep your biography concise and focused, rather than trying to include every detail. Highlight any notable projects, awards, or recognitions you have received that demonstrate your expertise and the impact of your work. These accomplishments help to build trust and credibility with the reader, and demonstrate the value you can bring to potential clients or employers.

Particularly if you are working commercially with brands or publications, or hoping to work with new galleries and museums (vs working directly with single individuals), taking the time to expand on your professional background and list key skills or areas of expertise that make you uniquely qualified in your creative profession can make an impact. Keep this information straightforward: copy part of your CV containing relevant experience and educational achievements, and add a link to the full–updated–document. Your goal in this section is to demonstrate your strengths and why you are the right person for the job or project.

Adrian Ozimek has a great approach to this, highlighting a few images of his work featured in notable publications above lists of select clients and publications.

Adrian Ozimek portfolio about me page

3. Share your passion and values 

Discuss what motivates you and the values that guide your work. Explain your passion for your field and how it has shaped your career path. This doesn’t have to be an elaborate statement! A great example of a simple yet comprehensive “mission statement” can be found in Nocera & Ferri’s ‘About’ page. Here’s a small excerpt: 

“As a creative duo, we specialize in seamlessly blending photography and set design to craft captivating visual stories.”

This personal touch will help the reader connect with you on a deeper level and understand your professional motivations.

Nocera & Ferri portfolio about me page

4. Describe your approach and process 

Outline the unique approach or process you bring to your work. Explain how you tackle projects, collaborate with clients, or solve problems. 

Again, Nocera & Ferri does this well: 

“Our style has been shaped through the years by our background in graphic design, paired with a multidisciplinary approach to our research. We believe art, especially sculpture and architecture, have a constant and strong influence on our minimalist approach to photography.”

Think about how you personally see and interpret the world and try to capture that essence in words. This insight into your methodology will help the reader understand your work style and how you can benefit them.

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Level up your brand with a professional portfolio website.

5. Aim for a friendly, casual tone

When writing your biography, opt for a friendly and conversational tone. Unless it is the way you speak, it is best to avoid overly formal language. Instead, write as if you’re having a casual conversation with the reader. This will help you connect with your audience and make your biography more engaging and memorable. If it makes sense for you and the work you create, adding a little humor wouldn’t hurt either!

6. Add a few personal details

While your biography should primarily focus on your professional experiences, you can also include a few personal details to help the reader get to know you better. This could include hobbies, interests, or other aspects of your life outside of work. Be selective and avoid oversharing or including information that is not relevant to your professional profile. Remember, you want to come across as professional and reliable–a few small details will help you to stand out in a sea of many other professionals. If possible, try to show how these other aspects of your life impact your work. 

Carol Ann Apilado, a designer, mural artist, and weaver, shares how her family history and ancestral traditions shape her artistic practice and explorations. 

Carol Ann Apilado portfolio about me page

7. Include a photo of yourself

Including a professional headshot or other photograph of yourself adds a personal touch to your biography and makes it more engaging for the reader. Choose an image that presents you in a positive and professional light, and make sure it’s high-quality and well-lit.

Schaël Marcéus, a photographer and model, included a carefully selected headshot on his ‘About’ page, aligning the skills he describes with the visual representation of his person. 

Schaël Marcéus portfolio about me page

8. Express your availability and interest 

Conclude your biography by expressing your availability and interest in new opportunities. Invite the reader to learn more about you or reach out to discuss possible collaborations. Provide your contact information, such as your email address or a link to your contact page, to make it easy for the reader to get in touch. You could also add links to galleries carrying your work, or list agencies who represent you. By including at least one call-to-action, you encourage the reader to take the next step and learn more about how they can buy your work, collaborate, or hire your services. 

Malerin Erica Beyea includes both a simple contact form and a list with links to where her work can be purchased, giving visitors two clear and accessible CTA’s relating to their needs when visiting this page. 

Tailor this section to suit your style and profession–if you don’t want to be “selling” on your biography page, you can always create a separate page listing your services or selling your work and link out to it. Do what feels most natural and professional to you.

Erica Beyea portfolio about me page

9. Review and refine 

After drafting your biography, review it to ensure it accurately reflects your professional story and highlights your most compelling qualifications. We recommend seeking feedback from trusted colleagues or mentors–they may see things you’ve missed in your revisions, or have recommendations based on your goals. Take these suggestions and refine the language, structure, and tone to create a polished, engaging narrative. 

By crafting a compelling and informative biography, your ‘About Me’ page becomes a reflection of your personal brand and a professional tool to aid you in your career. Take the time to ensure it aligns with your portfolio, matches your creative style, and resonates with your target audience. 

With a well-written biography, you can make a lasting impression and open the door to exciting new opportunities that align with your goals and aspirations.


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    Amanda Whitegiver ist Fotografin und Autorin und lebt in Maine. Sie hat sich auf Familien- und Markenfotografie spezialisiert und hat sowohl als Fotografin als auch als Autorin für lokale Publikationen gearbeitet, die Frauen in Maine in den Mittelpunkt stellen. Als Absolventin des Maine College of Art and Design (BFA) nutzt sie ihre 20-jährige Erfahrung als Inhaberin eines Kleinunternehmens und ihren künstlerischen Hintergrund, um Kreativschaffende beim Aufbau ihrer Praxis zu unterstützen.

  • Ikone schwarz

    Wir bei Format sind eine leidenschaftliche Gruppe von Menschen an der Schnittstelle zwischen Technologie und Kreativität, die ein Ziel verbindet: Fotografen zum Erfolg zu verhelfen. Unser Team hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, Fotografen und kreativen Künstlern die Werkzeuge und Ressourcen zur Verfügung zu stellen, die sie brauchen, um ihre Arbeit zu teilen und ihr Geschäft auszubauen.

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