After careful consideration, we are pleased to announce the winners of the 2024 Booooooom Illustration Awards, supported by Format. Thank you to every single illustrator who took the time to submit work! It is certainly challenging to make selections from thousands of images but the experience is also tremendously rewarding. We now have literally hundreds of new illustrators on our radar and we love that.
These five winners represent five different categories: “Personal”, “Editorial”, “Advertising & Promotional”, “Product & Packaging”, “Student”. Each is awarded a $500 USD cash prize, editorial and social coverage, and will be featured in our special print publication. Each winner also receives a Wacom Intuos S Tablet and a True Grit Texture Supply Everything Bundle. Thank you to Wacom and True Grit Texture Supply for these terrific prizes.
Be sure to have a look through all the winning images! Over the coming weeks, Booooooom will be interviewing each winner about their winning image. Also included below are some exceptional images from 20 shortlisted illustrators (whose work will be showcased in the print publication) as well as the names of an additional 200 longlisted illustrators.
If you want to be the first to know about our next Awards, you can Pre-Register for 2025 Booooooom Illustration Awards.
Booooooom est une autorité reconnue en matière d'art, de design et de photographie. Au cours des 15 dernières années, elle a capté l'attention d'un vaste public, en mettant en lumière le travail de talents émergents et en lançant la carrière de nombreux jeunes artistes à l'échelle internationale.
Format is proud to have supported Booooooom in their first ever Illustration Awards. We are also offering 3 lifetime subscriptions to contest participants–keep an eye out for the profile of these illustrators in the magazine!
Without further ado, we present to you the distinguished winners and talented runners-up of the 2024 Booooooom Illustration Awards.
2024 Illustration Award Winners

WINNER: Ugnė Becker
Ugnė Becker is a Lithuanian born artist and illustrator, currently residing in Dresden, Germany. This personal work is titled, “Promethea”.

WINNER: Hoi Chan
Hoi Chan is an illustrator from Hong Kong, currently based in New Orleans. This is an editorial illustration for an article in The New York Times, “The Beauty of a Silent Walk”.
“Advertising & Promotional”

WINNER: Chris Koehler
Chris Koehler is an Chinese/Salvadorean/German illustrator from San Francisco. This illustration is an officially licensed poster for the 45th anniversary of Halloween, for Hero Complex Gallery and Compass International Pictures.
“Product & Packaging”

Jun Cen is a New York-based illustrator originally from Guangzhou China. This illustration is the cover art for the Chinese edition of Keigo Higashino’s novel, The Letters.

WINNER: Jess Martinez
Jess Martinez is a Mexican-American illustrator and designer, born and raised Los Angeles, creating work under the pseudonym Scion Illustration. “Scion, meaning a young shoot or twig used in grafting, mirrors my creative process where I meticulously bring together several design inspirations.”
2024 Booooooom Illustration Awards Shortlist
(20 Illustrators)

2024 Booooooom Illustration Awards Longlist
(200 Illustrators)
Scott Aasman, Marcos Abdallah, Jappy Agoncillo, Eri Aikawa, Sonny Allabaugh, Oliver Allison, Di Almab, Grace Alvarez, Eliza Anderson, Ash Anderson, Diego Andrade, Susie Ang, Ruby Ash, Lexi Baboukis, Sua Balac, Scott Balmer, Joshua Barrigada, Nicolas Bertrand, Vyara Boyadjieva, Brian Britigan, Ben Brown, Dominic Bugatto, Manyun Cai, Martin Carrese, Joe Carry, Robert Carter, Seba Cestaro, Jonathan Chen, Tiffany Chin, Noopur Choksi, Alexandra Christodoulou, Jason Chuang, Sarah Cliff, Francesca Colombara, Victoria Contreras, Baily Crawford, Creature Creature, Daniel Crespo, Leyla Cui, Samantha Curcio, Lola D’Autilia, Ian Davis, Seze Deguchi, Freddie Denton, Lauren Dimaya, Phuc Doan, Charles Drawin, Herman Drowning, Megan Du, Eyesh Duan, Chris Dunlop, Sviatlana Dzemidovich, Killian Fallon, Cory Feder, Margaret Flatley, Vector That Fox, Anna Freitag, Carmen Frontera, Alexis Gallo, Jana Galushkina, Mingyi Gan, Carles Garcia O’Dowd, Peter Gehrman, Owen Gent, Chiara Ghigliazza, Sara Gironi Carnevale, Hinako Goto, Charlie Gould, Yopi Gozal, Julia GR, Manuel Guldimann, Frankie Gutierrez, Paul Hammond, Handowin He, Peter Hegyi, Annabel Hewitson, Juna Horstmans, Stephanie Jade Howe, Allison Hsiao, Adrianne Huang, Bas Huissen, amira Huke, Kaori Izumiya, Louis Jaccoud, Carrie Jia, Vyolet Jin, Vivi John, Kanae Kanata, RA Katamsi, Anna Kavehmehr, Nina Kostiushko, Mathias Krebser, Jagna Krychowska, Laney Lai, Allister Lee, Christina Lee, Ing Lee, James Lee Chiahan, Amélie Lehoux, Eva-Maria Leitner, Harriet Lenneman, Cally Leung, Jeremy Leung, Ya Wen Li, Sarah Lim, KangLi Lim, Berry Lin, Disciplina Lina, Yadi Liu, Zhanjiang Liu, Pierre-Emmanuel Lyet, Evan M. Cohen, Samantha Mash, Adam Mazur, Jason McCrea, Pig Meat, Javier Medellin Puyou, Luis Mendo, Kate Meyrick, Natalia Mikhalchuk, Hao Ming, Minha Minha, Daniele Morganti, Rui Moura, Jovana Mugoša, Ganiyy Musa, Yusra Na’im, Gisela Navarro, Kim Nguyen, Chloe Niclas, Alisa Nikishin, Andrew Nye, Clémentine Oberkampf, Dallin Orr, Duairak Padungvichean, Mirjana Panovski, Penny x1, Salini Perera, Spencer Pidgeon, Charlotte Plantin, Emmanuel Polanco Forest, Julien Posture, Abigail Rai, Rezza Rainaldy, Daryl Rainbow, Rene Clairin, Carolyn Jungsuh Rhee, Octavio Rocha, Suparom Ronyut-Henry, Romana Ruban, Celia Rules, Ocean Salazar, Sara Sarhangpour, Mark Schmeitz, Juliette Seban, Irina Selaru, Sheida Shekarian, Yuqing Sheng, Elle Shivers, Jimmy Simpson, Ekaterina Skvortsova-Kowalski, Katie So, James Sobol, Sena Sonouchi, Maximilian Sparks, Madelene Start, Attila Szamosi, Rebecca ter Borg, Mayu Terashita, Cat Tervo, Faye Theocharous, Simone Thornton, Taylor Tinkham, Juliana Toro, Maggie Tseng, Lashna Tuschewski, Chuck U, Kazuhisa Uragami, Alex Valentina, Sjoerd Verbeek, Hello Vonnie, Wenjia Wang, Yaoting Wang, Alex Webber, Tiffany Wei, Weston Wei, Kim Wilson, Hannah Witner, Zijue Wu, Dawn Xintong Yang, Xinyi Yang, Jaenam Yoo, Robert Young, Franco Zacha, Mosaz Zhao, Stacey Zhu, Alissa Zilber, Olga Zolnowska, Masha Zotova, Nan4san