Every Monday, our Format Magazine astrologer Priya Kale provides professional readings about your creativity, productivity, and career. Find your sign below and follow along each week.
Aries (Mar 21–Apr 19):##
Early this week, you’ll reach a huge turning point. It could be within a relationship, a project, or a financial situation, but the Leo full moon on Saturday (just as Venus enters your professional sector for the next four weeks) suggests that you’ll be mining creative gold.
Expect greater recognition for your talents over the next coming weeks—especially as enticing new opportunities present themselves. Be clear about your goals, desires, and need for creative freedom to help these opportunities become more apparent. Something might feel like a risk, but what matters is how passionate you feel about it. Let go of ideas of success, failure, or trying to please or compete with anyone but yourself.
Taurus (Apr 20–May 20):##
Lately you’ve felt like you’re free-falling into the unknown, with little in your control. But, be patient and have faith: you’re being freed from a situation that has kept you in its grip for a long time. On Tuesday, the Sun enters Aquarius (your career zone) for the next four weeks, presenting you with new opportunities—don’t be afraid to take them on!
Before you can fully show off your brilliance though, a Leo full moon on Saturday will ask you to be honest about what you need most to feel secure. Figure this out before you go out into the world; it’ll help you realize your next steps. You’re evolving, and so are your ambitions—feel free to explore all of your options, find your inner confidence, and dare to shine.
Gemini (May 21–June 20):##
Recently you’ve been in a phase of re-evaluating important business and financial commitments, but regardless of what you’re afraid of, you aren’t trapped or powerless—you have more choices than you think. Expect to have a really enlightening conversation this week with someone close to you, as the Leo full moon on Saturday brings valuable information to light. (Make sure to keep your ego out of the conversation, however.)
Be wise, detached, and think long term. Knowing your bottom can help you have more honest conversations without trying to convince or control anyone, or vice versa. Get that freedom you need to express yourself.
Cancer (June 21–July 22):##
Your personal relationships have taken center stage over the past few weeks, but you could learn information now that changes everything. Contrary to what you fear, you have real support in your creative and financial relationships too. A Leo full moon on Saturday will enter your income zone, so now is the perfect time to re-evaluate those arrangements that might offer greater professional security, a genuine sense of teamwork, or a tangible financial gain—your friends and partners will still be there for you throughout this discovery.
Recognize that you have the power to choose your own involvements, so consciously let go of power struggles and avoid feeding drama. You don’t want or need them! This isn’t about ego, it’s about self-esteem and values—don’t be afraid to focus only on what you need.
Leo (July 23–Aug 22):##
You’ve been working hard, Leo, and on Tuesday the Sun enters Aqarius, suggesting that help is close by (possibly only one email or text away). As the full moon enters your sign on Saturday, however, you might need to work out some tension that exists between balancing your needs with others’. Own your feelings and make sure to avoid the blame game, or you might end up feeling (or receiving) some resentment.
There’s no shame in acknowledging your mistakes or accepting any help you might need—this is a learning moment! Partners and friends have your back as you search out a creative solution to a very persistent problem you’ve been wrestling with. You’re entering a creative phase—make the most of the sense of teamwork, companionship, and purpose you’re sure to feel.
Virgo (Aug 23–Sept 22):##
Get ready for the Sun to enter Aquarius on Tuesday—your life and your work are about to get a whole lot busier. You’re likely already juggling a lot of projects, but make sure you prioritize your health. Don’t skip that doctor’s appointment you made, or at the very least, make sure to take a night to yourself for some much needed rest and relaxation.
The perfect time for this recharge is Saturday, when the Leo full moon aligns—you’ll feel inspired and at your creative best on Sunday. This full moon also asks that you pay attention to a creative idea that comes up towards the end of the week—it might just be the golden idea.
Libra (Sept 23–Oct 22):##
This Tuesday the Sun enters Aquarius, your creative zone, sparking imagination, creativity and passion. The opportunities that make themselves present during this time will need you to be bold and spontaneous—don’t hold back!
No matter what the past was like, you’re rebuilding your life from the ground up; you can create the life you want. Make note of this as your ruler changes sign during the full moon on Saturday, and trust that you’ll be okay to take a risk. It can be scary to put yourself out there—but all you can be is yourself.
Scorpio (Oct 23–Nov 21):##
This week it’s important to take the time to reflect before your next move. Your creativity is limitless, but what drives you to create in the first place? What brings you joy, or the sense of being alive? A Leo full moon on Saturday shines some light on your career—this suggests you need to be on top of your game. You might soon hear of a totally lucrative opportunity that’s right up your alley.
Before you can be successful, however, you need to let go of your long-held perceptions of what success should look like. What’s most important now is that you’re being authentic, and that you’re comfortable in your own skin. Let your inner brilliance shine.
Sagittarius (Nov 22–Dec 21):##
There are big changes unfolding behind the scenes, but hopefully by now you know that your creative depth is limitless—you have nothing to fear, moving forward. On Saturday, Venus enters your income zone as a Leo full moon aligns—these circumstances will bring you some much needed perspective overall. Financially, you should start to feel a lot more secure. If you’ve been thinking about asking for a raise, now is the time to go for it.
The value you offer others will start to become more clear to you—and it won’t be long before business partners see the same. Along with self-reflection, don’t be afraid to explore a bold new idea. It might just be your ticket to creative and financial freedom.
Capricorn (Dec 22–Jan 19):##
The past couple of weeks have asked you to question your most deeply held beliefs about yourself: you are more lovable, attractive, and creative than you give yourself credit for. If you have any doubts about this, you won’t for much longer. As Venus enters your sign on Saturday, you might finally feel like something within you is ready to blossom: prepare to share this with the world.
As a result, your relationships and financial involvements are changing too. Let go of superficial attachments; you have everything else to gain and they’ll just weigh you down in your journey.
Aquarius (Jan 20–Feb 18):##
Aquarius, you’ve got your groove back. As the Sun enters your sign on Tuesday, expect to feel at home in your element. You’ll get the clarity you need for important goals, both professionally and personally. The Leo full moon on Saturday will put you in the center of the action, and important partnerships will come to light as a result. If there’s tension between you and someone else, this will be the time to clear the air and strengthen that connection.
Clearly acknowledge your feelings, but avoid projecting them on others; actions always speak louder than words. When in doubt, ask rather than assume. You have bigger fish to fry and you don’t need any drama slowing you down.
Pisces (Feb 19–Mar 20):##
As the Sun enters Aquarius on Tuesday, it might feel like you’re headed into the unknown, but this will be a deeply introspective, imaginative phase for you. Make sure to balance your busy work and social life with time to recharge and regroup on your own. Your most brilliant work will take place in the dark, when you can dream and create with no limits.
A Leo full moon on Saturday will shed light on what you need to do next, professionally. Be open to inspiration. Your next steps will offer your greater freedom financially and creatively.
All readings by Priya Kale.