Videos To Help You Create An Impressive Artist Website

Website Portfolio Tips for Artists

Whether you specialize in painting, multi-media, photography, or sculpting, all creatives need a portfolio website that elevates their work and supports their business.

multicolored abstract painting

Strategies for Creating a Fine Art Portfolio Website

This video provides strategies for building a fine art portfolio website. It emphasizes the importance of having a website that accurately represents your work, highlights your achievements, and provides a visually pleasing and user-friendly experience. Key factors discussed include finding a theme that suits your style, creating collection pages to group your work, curating your galleries by including only your strongest pieces, using captions and text elements to annotate your projects, and utilizing custom pages for Contact, About, and CV pages. 

Tips and Tricks for Fine Artists: Anna-Sophia 

This video reviews the website of Anna-Sophia Vukovich, an accomplished artist and Format Expert, offering valuable tips and tricks for building an effective fine art portfolio. Anna-Sophia’s website serves as a great example of showcasing 2D and 3D work with large-scale images and thoughtful design. The Ora theme is used, providing a vertical scroll and a left-hand menu that resembles an online exhibition. Consistent lighting and high-quality images are emphasized for non-digital or non-photobased work. Incorporating text within galleries, including image captions and artist statements, adds important context to the artwork. Custom pages are recommended to create unique gallery styles, as demonstrated in the “Drawings” section. Collection pages are praised for organizing exhibitions and allowing visitors to preview and engage with the artist’s best work.

The Importance of an About Me Page on Your Site

In this video, Stanzie from Format discusses the importance of the “About Me” page on a portfolio website and provides tips for creating a compelling bio. The “About Me” page is often the most-visited page on a website, as it offers visitors context about the artist, their intentions, goals, and services. Instead of relying solely on CVs or resumes, crafting a strong “about me” statement is recommended, showcasing the person behind the work. Stanzie suggests several steps to follow for an effective “about me” page, including introducing oneself, setting the right tone based on the target audience, listing awards and accolades, adding personal details to create a more complete introduction, including a representative photo, and proofreading and editing to ensure professionalism.

Selling Your Art Online with Format

This video focuses on selling artwork and products online through a portfolio website. It highlights two selling solutions offered by Format: the Format Store and Format Prints Marketplace. The video provides tips for maximizing impact and success when selling through the website. Suggestions include planning inventory in advance, targeting promotional efforts around holidays and events, properly valuing the work being sold by considering materials, production, marketing, packaging, and time investment, tracking contacts through a mailing list, integrating promotions with the website through landing pages or banners, and utilizing SEO to boost visibility in search engine results.

Use your Format Account to Create Online Submissions

This video emphasizes the importance of using a Format account for private online submissions and project sharing. It highlights the advantages of creating a private page on one’s website instead of attaching images to an email. The “not in menu” section of the site allows for the creation of a page with a private URL specifically for submissions. Both gallery and custom pages can be used for this purpose, with custom pages offering more options for text formatting and incorporating varied media. The video provides guidance on filling out the submission page, including adding an opening statement, contact information, image and text blocks, image galleries with captions, hosted or embedded videos, and a closing statement. The option to add password protection for added security is also mentioned.

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