Journalist Photography

Find your inspiration with some of our best photography portfolio website examples. Start your 14-day free trial and build your own online photography portfolio with Format today!

Yagazie Emezi

“Yagazie Emezi is a Nigerian artist and self-taught photojournalist focused on stories surrounding African women and their health, sexuality, education and human rights. Having worked extensively across Africa, Yagazie also covers stories on identity and culture, social justice, climate change and migration. ”

Template: Horizon

Annie Sakkab

“A Palestinian-Canadian, born and raised in Jordan, freelance photojournalist and filmmaker Annie Sakkab is based in Canada and the Middle East. As a visual storyteller, Annie is drawn to explore the customs, lifestyles, and values that characterize her subjects. Annie seeks long-form narrative with a focus on women’s issues and social justice. With her work, she raises questions of identity and awareness of the experiences of exile, uprooting, and displacement among marginalized groups. ”

Template: Horizon Left

Gary Coronado

“Gary Coronado has been a staff photographer for the Los Angeles Times since 2016. He is a 2007 Pulitzer Prize finalist in feature photography for images of Central Americans risking life and limb as they jump aboard the trains from southern Mexico bound for the United States. Also a 2005 Pulitzer Prize finalist in breaking news photography for team coverage of hurricanes. He began freelancing for the Orange County Register and relocated to south Florida in 2001, when he was awarded a fellowship ”

Template: Swift

Guy Martin

“From January 2011 Guy began to document the revolutions sweeping through the Middle East and North Africa. Since 2012 he has been based in Istanbul, Turkey, where he produced his first book ‘The Parallel State’ about the rise of Turkish soft power and the complex new identities in the Turkish Republic. Guy's work is concerned with the way our digital lives have overlapped with the political violence of the physical world.”

Template: Amazon

Dan Ginn

“Dan is a multi-disciplined content creator and journalist with a background in photography, travel, and lifestyle topics. He has written for large-scale publications including iNews, Culture Trip, Digital Trends, and The Phoblographer. ”

Template: Offset

Jukka Lehojarvi

“Jukka Lehojärvi is a Kokkola-based photojournalist and visual producer. He´s been working as a staff member in newspaper Keskipohjanmaa, KPK Media since 1990..”

Template: Horizon

Konstantinos Zilos

“Konstantinos Zilos is photojournalist based in Athens, Greece. His body of work has a humanistic approach aimed at arising emotions, combining art and social commentary. He is working for the photographic agencies Nur Photo & Sopa images. His work has also been published in magazines and newspapers as Vice, The Guardian,Wall Street Journal among others. ”

Template: Amazon

Eli Imadali

“Eli Imadali is an Algerian-American documentary photographer and journalist based in Denver passionate about exploring identity, culture, the immigrant experience, and environmental issues through visual storytelling. Commissioned by The New York Times, The Guardian, HuffPost, Agence France-Presse, the Los Angeles Times, Kaiser Health News.”

Template: Peak

Sarah Pabst

“Sarah Pabst is a German-born documentary photographer and painter based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Besides her personal intimate work she mainly focuses on women, identity, human rights and environmental issues. She's a member of the collective Ayün Fotografas, National Geographic Explorer, Pulitzer Center grantee and part of Women Photograph. Her work has been published in international outlets such as The New York Times Magazine, Financial Times Magazine and Wall Street Journal. ”

Template: Industry

Anita Pouchard Serra

“French-Argentinian photojournalist and visual storyteller Anita Pouchard Serra is based in Buenos Aires and working in Latin-America. Her work revolves around questions and territories that cross her personally, such as current societal issues of identity, migration , women’s rights and territory. I’m a Pulitzer Center grantee ,National Geographic Emergency Fund Grantee ( 2020) IWMF and OSF fellow.”

Template: Horizon Left

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How to create a journalist photography portfolio website.

Attract clients with a journalist photography portfolio that highlights exactly who you are as a journalist photographer. Creating your own online journalist photography portfolio is easy and intuitive with a dedicated journalist photography portfolio website builder. Choose a website builder like Format that comes with blogging, SEO, social media tools, and an online store so you have everything you need to display your work brilliantly and grow your business. We’ve rounded up six simple tips to keep in mind when building your portfolio website.

  1. Sign up for a free trial with Format. No credit card required.
  2. Choose a journalist photography template. Don’t worry—if you change your mind later, you can easily switch templates.
  3. Upload your journalist photography work. Create a gallery or custom page to display your work.
  4. Edit your site. Customize your site menu to include exactly what you want.
  5. Personalize your design. Make it yours and change options like the template preset, fonts, and colors.
  6. Ready to go further? Set up your store, add SEO or social media integration, and more—whenever you want.

Shot by member Mark Clennon